[tausif] asks: assalamualikum
Hi everyone...glad to be chatting with you all. What are you waiting for? Ask
[hee] asks: hey! so when do we see u next?
Tu Mile releasing in July...definitely watch it. I am paired with Soha.
[sam] asks: I like u r acting in Footpath,after that Jannat i like raaz now your expression and acting.But some movies are not really nothing to make u act why u choose those?Please go for movies like footpaths role
Well i made few mistakes and chose bad films. I am being more cautious. Hopefully u will see another char like Foothpath next year.
[hee] asks: u have worked with newcomers...is it better to work with them or with established actresses>?
newcomers...b'coz they bring along a freshness in the film.
[upasana] asks: what do you think of Slimdog Millionaire as a film? and what do you think of Delhi six? How do they compare with the kind of films you star in
I've heard D6 is not good so I wont waste my time. Slumdog after all the hype...my wife is forcing me to go with her.
[ravi 880] asks: hi, imran how u feel when u kiss ur co-star in front of all the unit
it feels gr8...thats why i do it so often. But it is definitely not for everyone. Better left only to me.
[hee] asks: How was it working with Soha and what is Tu Mile all about? With u in a film we can always expect something different right?
soha is very chilled out...and a fine actor. Tum Mile is definitely one of my fav films i have worked on. It opens in July.
[jjbhoi] asks: emraan .. are you acting in any hollywood movie now a days besides hindi films? if yes , which one is in your kitty?
No not yet...i wud prefer to stick to Hindi as of now.
[rohit008] asks: Who do you think is the hottest actress in Bollywood?
There are so many of them very hard to choose one. But if i had to pick on I'd say Kangana.
[sam] asks: thanks , i really a great fan of you from Footpath especially the acting .Work is work now each and every movie contains so many kisses it is turning to a normal thing now, to attract audiance or marketing stratergy?
Ya when i started it everyone followed...but i guess i will always be the original
[deepak] asks: what is important to be a Good actor good Looking or good acting?
A=[ Ans ]:i dont have the former...so hopefully i have a bit of the latter to make me click.
[upasana] asks: hi emraan heard you have had an eye problem.... how are you feeling now?
Thinking of getting the eye removed tomorrow. And then i cud do a pirate's role...a one-eyed pirate.
[imam] asks: when r we gona see u in some intelligent thriller?
i m doing a thriller called raftaar 24x7...which releases in aug. There's Neha and Sagarika with me.
[ravi 880] asks: what is ur basic phylospy in life
Just chill out..dont take too much stress...AND KEEP KISSING
Q=[ayancs84] asks: Emraan r u doing any comedy movies ?
not at the moment...i tried doing one but i turned out to be my worst nightmare...it's called Good boy Bad boy. But i wudnt mind a good comedy.
[shrijhapallath] asks: hi emraan iam ur gr8 fan ur too cool onscreen like ur so much and how was it working with co stars in raaz-2 i liked it so much
at any point of time i was working only with Kangana in the film. It's only in the climax that we had more than two people so it was great.
[nasreen] asks: hi am a big fan of urs...any movies of urs releasing apart from the bhatt camp?
Ya Raftaar in non Bhatt and hopefully if Once upon a time in Bombay happens...i am open to doing films outside Bhatt camp
[sam] asks: I saw one incident in some reality show some blood came out for that also a girl came and try to hold you so tightly u also got upset that time,Anyway what exactly happened with you.Everything okey with you or you really hurt by that incident.
No not really...it was something that was done in fun by the show people, can't take these things seriously.
[tapansharma] asks: do you particularly act with a certain set of directors? atleast we can see that...any specific reasons for the same?
Just that we have a great success rate and am willing to work with any director who gives me an interesting script. Have had hits with Mohit Suri, Kunal, Anurag.
[jjbhoi] asks: emraan .. what is ur hobby? what you most like to do during leasure?
I like to google myself...recently i hav got into still photography also
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